Tenking manufactures precision parts primarily for high-tech devices such as cameras video players. They have started production in the Thailand to produce a high quality product at competitive price.

● Reviewed from the scratch
At the previous the trade show in China a few years ago, TENKING had simply placed products on the table. This time was totally different and they could have improved a lot.
Firstly they attended the MOBIO seminar as a preparation. At the first class to CONSIDER THE CORPORATE STRENGTH, for Nishijima of TENKING it was quite challenging and difficult. "In the company we had several meetings to identify our strength, reviewing from the scratch that what we can do." Their catch phrase, "High precision & Small order lot is fully assisted from Thailand and Japan. Our technology and precision solves your difficulties!", has been reviewed in the member meeting and been decided by our CEO. It was quite valuable to have made new corporate phrase.
For the new leaflet Nishijima has utilized the seminar tutor's suggestion. "Considering our competitors in Japan, we have decided to let customers know that TENKING delivers Japan quality products from Thailand. It would be a plain brochure to inform results and features only if I did not attend the MOBIO seminar".
● An amazing discovery-Three-dimensional display

"Initially I have planned the product display at the booth by myself, however at the MOBIO seminar the tutor advised me to modify it by relocating small components three dimensionally from flat display." It was totally new input to him and its new layout was immediately designed by NIshijima. With a display for easier to explain visitors, he could participate in SME Fain in Kansai this time with confidence in mind. It was another assisting tool for him as a marketing manager.
"We are preparing to produce brochure explaining our new product series. And I will definitely imply what I have learned through the seminar. If there were another seminar in future at MOBIO, I would like to participate again to improve skills for conveying advantages of our product that I have not fully informed."
●The Biggest Harvest was a Partnership among Participants

10 companies participated to the preparation seminar and were asked to establish the joint booth. Through seminars members from 10 companies came to know each other and they became a personal friend. "We have established a strong sense of fellowship. When the person in the neighbor booth took a rest at the show, the person of another company explained products and handed out the leaflet instead. I did in a same way. All of 10 companies might have had the same wish to invite as many visitors as possible to the MOBIO booth." says Nishijima.
"Surprisingly we could start new business with a member company who had been considered as a competitor, by sharing customer's demand. Moreover I had start business negotiation with visitors and had already completed delivery."
He has now a totally new view point of competitors' booth. In future he is planning to display a moving kit to inform Tenking as many people as possible.
Interviewed on June 27, 2013