Posted : Oct 07, 24

Category : Meet the President

Meet the President #105: A coating company "making the impossible possible" with the corporate policy of "Let's do something different" / OKUMA COAT CO.,LTD.

Find out why and how presidents of MOBIO exhibitors started "INNOVATION and CHALLENGE" through the special interview. The latest "Meet the President" article is

Mr. Okuma of OKUMA COAT CO.,LTD.

- Coating of small parts made of metal, resin, and many other materials

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L) Mr.Okuma

R) A variety of coating samples lined up in the showroom


OKUMA has accurately proposed and solved various issues and problems raised by customers related to coating, and continues to do so today. Its dream is to develop branded products by deploying the accumulated coating technology as a solution to customers' problems. OKUMA's challenges are being taken on in cooperation with employees.


●Parts coating of automotive, home appliance and machinery, as well as daily necessities made of soft materials okumakot_1_2.jpg

L) Warren Coat

R) Coating on soft materials


In the company showroom, it displayed rubber, leather, polyethylene, soft vinyl, and other coated soft materials in addition to various metals and resins, Okuma said, "Generally, coating companies specialize in their area of expertise, such as steel or plastics, and often do not work with other materials. However, if there is a request, OKUMA had accepted the challenge. In this corporate policy OKUMA has acquired the technical capabilities of coating process such a wide variety of materials. " It means "to do something different from others".

The slogan "Change & Challenge" has been adopted by the company and is now part of the corporate culture. One of the products, emerged from this challenge, is a proprietary technology called "Warren Coat," which allows coat to adhere to soft materials.


●Clean room,coating robots, branded products were introduced

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L) Coating robots

R) SPAZIO brand product


Currently, one of the company's major strengths is its low defect rate. The company was quick to establish a clean room where dust and dirt are visualized and countermeasures are taken by using filters, adhesive rollers, fans, and other devices. Thorough training of inspectors was also conducted to establish a complete quality control system. In addition, the introduction of coating robots has made it possible to coat complicated shapes that are difficult to do by hand, greatly reducing the workload on craftsmen and increasing work efficiency.


In recent years, the company has collaborated with designers to develop its brand products, such as clocks that specialize in gifts and allow the recipient to choose the color of his or her choice, and tableware with the texture of metal coating on resin. Okuma said, "We have yet to reach a product that will become a pillar of OKUMA coating. OKUMA's challenges are being taken on in cooperation with employees.


Interviewed on September 2, 2024


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