MOBIO booth No. : North facility 1st floor 27


Product line

Product development support

Content creation for Metaverse

Software tools for marketing and troubleshooting for machinery & equipment


Katsuya Fujikawa

Description of business

MagicalHeart uses its experience as a manufacturing company to support product development using 3D data and to create 3D CG and CG movies. It is also developing software tools for marketing and troubleshooting for machinery and equipment as an expansion of 3D data technology.

Products and Technologies

3D Virtual Reality Viewer


Example of MViEW usage

●Product Development DX Tool

MViEW is available at MagicalHeart.

This viewer goes one step further than ordinary 3D CAD viewers and pursues a high level of perfection and beautifully rendered reality that can be understood without professional experience.

It can be used for product development, marketing tools and Metaverse Materials.

ODM:Original Design Manufacturing

Design and manufacture of products under requested brands

Example of rechargeable batteries for automotive use

●One-Stop Services for Product Development

MagicalHeart offers a one-stop service at product development from conceptual diagram to mass manufacturing.

It has established close collaboration among in-house staff (such as product designers, manufacturing experts and technicians)and a variety of skilled subcontractors.

Corporate Profile

Corporate name
814, Tajii, Mihara-ku, Sakai city, 587-0012, Japan
Katsuya Fujikawa
Founded / Established
1982 / 1987
Company URL

5,000,000 yen